The Kurdish people of a village in “Bilbula” join hands and prevent the “Hamza” militia from cutting their trees

Afrinpost – Special

Young men and the people of a village in Afrin rose up against the militia of the “Hamza Squad” of the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood, after the latter attempted to cut trees belonging to civilians in the village, while the militia was preparing to cut trees, logging and selling them.

The Afrinpost correspondent in Balbulah / Balbul district confirmed that the militia of the Hamza Brigade wanted to cut off the olive trees belonging to civilians in the village of Qara Kole in Balbalah / Balbul district in the occupied Kurdish Afrin region in northern Syria, except that young men and families The village rose up against them and banned them.

The reporter noted that the villagers attacked the militia militants with sticks and managed to fight back, adding that the Turkish occupation army subsequently intervened, breaking up the fighting between the militants and the people.

The reporter said that the Kurdish citizens were able to hit a number of militants after hitting them with sticks, while other sources told the reporter that the militia intends to take revenge on the Kurdish people, as they say they will start cutting down trees in Afrin to sell it.

Social solidarity between the Kurdish indigenous population in the villages of Afrin increases with time, especially after the families got acquainted with the majority of the militants, and they possess a stock of information about them, which began to break the the fear of the militants among the villagers, since the militants in their entirety are only former thieves or workers of “physical occupations,” such as porters and the sale of vegetables, fish, and others.

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