Hussein Jammo for “Afrinpost”: Afrin may face the same fate as Cyprus

Afrinpost – Special

The discussion today revolves around the possible prospects for Afrin issue and the continuing reality of the Turkish occupation on it, the indications of the agreements between Moscow and Ankara regarding the handover of the crossings, the possibility of linking Idlib and Afrin in the context of any upcoming settlement, and whether the variables of Idlib field affect Afrin.

Speaking to “Afrinpost”, the Kurdish writer and journalist Hussein Jammo confirmed that the Turkish efforts are aimed at separating Idlib from Afrin, that the Turkish withdrawal will not be easy, and that the next scenario is similar to Cyprus.

On the relationship between Idlib and what has been leaked, there are talks about a possible handover agreement for the crossings to the Russian forces after talk of Russian-Turkish coordination to take over the Bab al-Hawa crossing in Idlib and the al-Salama crossing in Idlib, and this is directly related to the Afrin case. By all means and methods, in order to isolate the Afrin issue from all the understandings that are taking place, the issue of the crossings may be related in terms of security to Afrin, but I think that Turkey will find ways and will persuade Moscow to isolate the Afrin issue from the understandings that take place in Idlib because the two security files regarding Turkish papers are separate from each other. , And there is a file in Afrin and another for Idlib, and it is keen to separate them.

Regarding the potential prospects for the future of the Turkish occupation in Afrin region according to the current field data, and the possibility of “Cyprusization” approaching the occupied areas in northern Syria, Jimmo said: “Regarding the future of the areas occupied by Turkey, of course, in contradiction to international logic and international law. They will withdraw, but I think that the withdrawal will not be achieved easily. They have an intention to stay and not withdraw. I mean, the next scenario may be similar to Cyprus, but in a less overt form, which means that there is no detailed political administration inside Syria like the administration of Cyprus ”(referring to Northern Cyprus which it occupies Turkey and no one recognizes it except for Ankara.)

Jammo concluded by referring to the sharp contradictions in the Syrian issue and Ankara’s investment in it, saying: “I believe that Turkey will remain, its forces will remain, and its occupation will continue as long as there is a crisis and as long as there are contradictions inside Syria, which are very strong ones, for example the Syrian regime during the Tal Abyad operation, I mean the Turkish occupation process, and of course there were several operations, there was a revenge language that existed before and after the Turkish occupation, despite the Syrian regime showing some contribution to stop the Turkish occupation, so the contradiction exists and so severe that the Turkish occupation itself turns into a bargaining chip between the internal Syrian parties.

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