The areas under the control of the Turkish occupation forces and its Islamic militias affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood in the north of the country witness security chaos, assassinations and frequent bombings, as a result of internal disputes between these armed groups.
In the context, sites affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood said that what they called “unknown parties” assassinated the so-called “Abdullah Sheikhani” at noon on Saturday / 15 August, in the city of Al-Bab in the countryside of Aleppo, with an explosive device.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s websites stated that the bomb exploded in the target’s car while he was leaving his home near the “Al-Kitab” roundabout in the city center, and he died after he was transferred to the hospital.
It seems that the operation is aimed at concealing evidences and proves, which may be indebted to one of the armed men from the occupation militia, as Sheikhani was in charge of evidence and fingerprints files in the “Al-Bab City Police” militia, and he supervised the car bomb files and IEDs in the city.
The state of security chaos, violations and crimes in the occupied areas in northern Syria comes in light of the rule of the law of the jungle imposed by the Turkish occupation militias known as the “Syrian National Army” under the full supervision of the Turkish intelligence that unleashed the Islamic militants without supervision or accountability, and silence from the international community which is ignoring the chaos in the occupied northern regions of Syria in general.