Al-Shahba reports second death attributed to COVID-19


The 55-year-old citizen, Omar Ahmed Omar, from the village of Kafr Nasih in the al-Shahba areas, died in conjunction with the spread of the virus day after day. In recent days, many cases were reported from Al-Shahba, reaching 6 cases, two of them died.

The citizen Omar Ahmed Omar died two days ago after he tested positive, and he was in a home quarantine.

Since the beginning of August, the Syrian regime medical authorities have buried the dead with the Corona virus, in the populated areas of Al-Shahba, which is inhabited by the indigenous people and the displaced people from the occupied Kurdish region of Afrin in northern Syria.

At a time when the Corona virus is spreading in most of the governorates under the control of the Syrian regime, the epidemic began to spread recently in the governorate of Aleppo in a massive way.

According to the “Afrinpost” correspondent in Aleppo, one of the cases infected with Corona died in Al-Razi Hospital in the city of Aleppo, and the regime deliberately buried his body in Al-Shahba. The 45-year-old man Aqil Muhammad, was buried on Sunday morning / August 2, in the village of Deir Jamal in Al-Shahba region, on the orders of the Syrian regime.

This case comes at a time when the regime is preparing to bury the dead cases of the Corona virus, far from residential areas, while the villages of al-Shahba are crowded with the people of Afrin and Al-Shahba.

The people of Afrin, who were forcibly displaced to the areas of al-Shahba in northern Syria, especially those living in the camps, are facing the danger and possibility of the spread of the Corona epidemic due to the proximity of the distances between the tents, after the emergence of many infected cases and the death of tow of them in the region, while a quarantine on the “Ahrazeh” city is still imposed since August 5th.

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