Explosion hits militants training center, located on the outskirts of Afrin center


In light of the security chaos, a new explosion occurred yesterday in the center of the occupied Kurdish Afrin region in northern Syria, by the Turkish occupation forces and Islamic militias affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The explosion occurred on the afternoon of yesterday, Tuesday, the twenty-first of July, on the road of “Jenderes”, on the outskirts of the city of Afrin in the vicinity of the center of “Martyr Refaat”, where it was used as a training center for militias affiliated to the Turkish occupation. The material damage was limited and no information is provided about casualties, according to the Human Rights Organization – Afrin.

These explosions come in the context of security chaos and warring factions, and a few days after the order issued to get the factions out of the city of Afrin, the most recent of which was an explosive device bombing on Sunday / July 21st, which targeted a car of a leader of “Failaq Al-Sham” militia called “Hussein Badra” Which led to his death, and the injury of 12 settlers.

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