The occupation attempts to turkify Afrin and its countryside, and consider it a part of its provinces

Afrinpost – Special

Activists posted a picture on the social network sites of Jenderes District Center, after the recent bombing that targeted a leader of the Islamic militias affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood in the first of June, clearly demonstrated Ankara’s intentions to annex and occupy Afrin, or that what it is suggesting to the people.

Where the picture showed, “a road sign” in the middle of the center of Jenderes district, written in Turkish and Arabic, but it was not indicating visitors or strangers about the road to Afrin or Aleppo, rather it showed them the way to Rihaniyya and Hatay, which are two Turkish states. The Turkish occupier is suggesting that the occupied Kurdish region had become part of the Turkish lands.

As for imposing the Turkish language, it is part of the Turkish occupation’s endeavors to turkify the region, by imposing its language on it, by using it alongside with Arabic in writing road signs, and in all service and public facilities managed by the occupation or its clients in what are called “local councils”.

The Turkish occupation dominates the management of all projects and daily work of the institutions it sponsors to finance, as it deals with them as part of its states, and a part of Afrin is administratively administered in Kilis, and the second section is in Hatay.

Since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, Islamic militias have adopted in their dealings with the Kurdish people a narrative that they are an atheist or infidel, through which the militants loyal to the Muslim Brotherhood justify their fight against the Kurdish people.

On the 18th of March 2018, the Turkish occupation managed to achieve the places that it had dreamed of for decades, which is the displacement of hundreds of thousands of indigenous Afrin Kurds, and the resettlement of Islamic militia families (Free Army, National Army) known for their loyalty to the Muslim Brotherhood , instead of them in the Kurdish region.

Since the Turkish military occupation, the Muslim Brotherhood has been seeking in various material and moral means, in order to bring settlers, who are mostly the armed men families, to reside in the Kurdish region of Afrin, benefiting from the financial support provided by “Qatar”, which is considered the main financier of the terrorist classified organization.

Like the rest of the occupied areas in the border strip from Jarablus to Idlib, the final ruler is the Turkish governor, while the Muslim Brotherhood militants who call themselves the “Syrian National Army” act as agents and tools who pave the land for the occupation of the Syrian lands, and sell them as they sell anything they own, but the difference here is that they do not own the Syrian land because it belongs to the Syrians, and they do not own Afrin because Afrin has its real people, while are mere hired killers transported by the Turkish invader between Syria and Libya, and vice versa according to its need.

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