Occupation militias steal cables and electricity transformers in several villages in the occupied Afrin

Afrinpost – Special

Islamic militias affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood, who call themselves the “Syrian National Army / Free Army”, continue to steal infrastructure from networks and electrical transformers in various parts of the occupied Kurdish Afrin region, northwest of Syria.

The correspondents of “Afrinpost” monitored the occupation gunmen stealing the electricity cables supplied by the Turkish companies underground in the center of the region, where the militants dug the sidewalks in the old Afrin neighborhood at the point of “Romer Restaurant”, and they extracted the electrical cables from them to sell them as a copper material.

According to news, it is assumed that a Turkish company will draw electricity from Turkish lands to the city of Afrin, where it is expected that this will take place on the twentieth of next July.

Five of the workers in the so-called (Afrin Local Council) of the occupation also took the old cables apart from the wooden pillars in the villages of Burj Abdalo, Ghazawiya, Shadera, Iska and the surrounding villages, as a prelude to installing new Turkish lines according to their claim.

On the other hand, the settlers continue to took over the electrical transformers from various villages of the occupied region and sell them to the Afrin Electricity Company, in light of the continuation of a Turkish company to connect Afrin and its areas to the Turkish electricity network, after linking education, communications and the economy to the Turkish state of Antakya according to a plan to consolidate the occupation.

Theft of power transformers was monitored in the following villages (Kfarshil – Marateh – Shikhurzeh – Qouta – Quzilabasha – Chama – Maydan Akbas – Khlalaka – Bableet – Kokabeh – Qurbeh – Qujuma – Korda – Faqira) and other villages, and they were sold to Afrin Electricity Company.

Media outlets loyal to the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood organization had reported on the seventeenth of last May, varied news about the achievements of the occupation in the occupied Kurdish region of Afrin, about extending the occupation of electricity networks to Afrin, as if Afrin did not see the light of electricity on any day before the occupation they even go to to the point that they described the situation in Afrin as being from the Stone Age, which is what one of the Muslim Brotherhood site went to.

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