Collapse of syrian pound leads to closure of most of the shops of Afrin, high price of bread and loss of medicines

Afrinpost – Special

Most of the shops in the occupied Kurdish Afrin region closed their doors after the collapse of the syrian pound, in light of a crazy rise in prices, while some people were unable to provide basic commodities for their families, such as bread.

In the context, a source from Afrin center told “Afrinpost” that most of the shops are closed in Afrin, after the appreciation of the US dollar against the syrian pound. “There are open stores, but no one is buying anything, the city is completely stopped.”

“There are several open pharmacie, but they do not sell anything to civilians, in light of the shortage of medicines and the inability of families to buy,” the source added.

While one of Afrin media activists published a post on his Facebook page, he said that the price of 4 loaves of bread had become 500 SP, while a person inside Afrin commented on his post and said, “Today all backeries are closed and the priice of six loaves is 1500 SP, and in some places for 2,000, and I am one of the people who couldn’t afford bread today. ”

The suffering of the Kurdish indigenous population in Afrin increased after its occupation by Ankara and its Islamic militia, where kidnappings, theft, looting, appropriation and all kinds of violations prevailed.

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