Afrinpost – Special
Islamic militias affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood play cat and mouse in the occupied Kurdish Afrin region. Militias enter to mediate between the fighting groups, which has become a regular matter, in light of the domination of the law of the jungle and chaos with the planning of Ankara.
The Islamic militia, known as the “Syrian National Army / Free Army”, in the same context, exchanges roles between them, leaving the militia from one area and entering another, and the situation remains the same, ruin, theft, robbery, kidnapping and extortion.
In the context, the reporter of the “Afrinpost” in the occupied Kurdish region of Afrin, said that today, Tuesday, the “Military Police” that had taken over the headquarters of the militia “Al-Hamzeh Squad”, which was the headquarters of the Asayish forces during the era of self-administration”, returned the headquarters to the “Al-Hamzeh Squad” militia again.
Sites affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood had confirmed that representatives of the “Al-Hamzeh squad” militia had signed an agreement with the settlers brought from the countryside of Damascus, against the background of the killing of one of them by the militia’s gunmen, and the subsequent storming by armed settlers of the militia’s headquarters, which revealed the presence of kidnapped women in it.
In a related context, after the “Afrinpost” leaked information about the militia “Al-Hamzeh Squad” transferring the Kurdish women kidnapees from the prison of the “Commercial Secondary School”, which is affiliated to the “Military Army” militia, to a prison belonging to the “Al-Hamzeh” militia in the village of Basuta, the militia transferred back The kidnapped to a third location, which is still unknown.
The correspondent suggested that the kidnapped have been transferred to the militia concentrations in the village of “Kimareh / Kimar”, with another suggestion that all of them have been returned to the militia headquarters (which is the former main headquarters of the Asayish forces in the Mahmudiyah neighborhood).
On the reasons for the return of the militia of the “Al-Hamzeh squad” militia to that headquarters again, the reporter said that the majority of the militia’s militants are of Turkmen origin, which gives them power and influence over the Turkish occupation, which often paved for their return, without the rest of the militants being able to confront the will of Ankara.