Rami Abdel Rahman: “All armed factions in Afrin practice violations against the Kurds.”


“The director of the Syrian Observatory” said that Erdogan’s Shabiha tried to justify their crimes after the statement issued by a group of human rights organizations to condemn these crimes. He added, “They claim that our statement is racist, talking about the Kurds, while we are talking about a specific geographical area inhabited by a Kurdish majority and subjected to daily violations since 2018 by factions loyal to Turkey and under its supervision, which is first and foremost responsibil for those violations. ”

Continuing: “Al-Hamzeh squad that sent its fighters to participate in the fighting in Libya is not the first to commit violations not only against women but also against everyone in Afrin .. We have formerly talked about the child who was killed in Libya, new violations were committed against his family by cutting their olive trees at the hands of Sultan Murad faction, the same faction which sent him to Libya. ”

He added: “All armed factions in Afrin practice violations against the Kurds of Afrin .. We say the Kurds, because when we study the Syrian geography we know that this area is called“ Jabal al-Kurd ”and its inhabitants are Kurds and these are the sons of the Syrian people .. but when “Erdogan” occupied Afrin, he said that he will return the original inhabitants of Afrin to it. While the reality is that they were displaced and displaced people from “Eastern Ghouta” who clashed with Hamza teams yesterday, in addition to displaced people from Homs and other areas were brought to Afrin ..One of those who signed on the statement told me that some of the “Erdogan” shabiha from the factions loyal to him objected to the statement and some organizations refused to sign the statement .. The person confirmed to me that his houses and the homes of his relatives were seized and the tenants were expelled from under the Turkish supervision.

“There is no element of the pro-Turkish factions of Afrin city, they all are from other regions … We say Erdogan’s shabiha because they are working for him, as others for Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, and some of them came from the combat areas against Iran in the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo, and now they abuse the Syrian people .. We have videotapes of their violations and threats against the Kurds … and we will continue to follow this issue with international organizations. ”

Abdul Rahman pointed out that “the majority of those who went to Libya from the Sultan Murad faction are notorious and drug users .. and the reason for the killing of the leader in this faction is still unknown, some of them say that he was killed on the front in the fighting and others deny .. and it is proven that the Sultan Murad faction have been recruited children to fight in Afrin, in Libya and committed violations against the Syrian people … We fear that they will commit violations against the Libyan people and discredit the Syrians. “

Stressing that “everyone who supports the presence of these mercenaries to fight in Libya is no different from those supported and turned a blind eye to the” ISIS “and “Al-Qaeda” organizations when they spread like cancer in the body of the Syrian revolution.

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