Afrinpost – Special
Islamic militias affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood, who are known as the “Syrian National Army / Free Army”, continue to fight the livelihood of the remaining indigenous Kurdish population in the occupied Afrin region, by imposing a set of royalties and practices that ultimately lead to impoverishment and restrictions on them in order to displace them for the benefit of settlers loyal to it.
In this regard, the correspondent of “Afrinpost” in the center said that the militia of “Jaish al-Islam” imposed royalties on the remaining residents of “Trinda / Al-Zarifa” village of the occupied Afrin, under the name “Edi”.
The reporter explained that the “security branch” of the militia, which is takes the home of the displaced Kurdish citizen Subhi Abdo as a headquarter, imposed 500,000 Syrian pounds on the village chief, while the rest of the village was also charged large sums.
In addition, the security checkpoints of the occupation impose royalties ranging from 200 to 500 Syrian pounds on each car or motorbike crossing these barriers, and the focus is in imposing these royalties on Kurdish citizens exclusively.
The correspondent said at the time, gunmen from the “Memati” group, which is one of the militia groups of the “Sultan Murad Brigade”, were roaming in their security sector, which is located between Etisalat Habash Street, and Nowruz Roundabout, in the old Afrin neighborhood, in order to collect a new royalty from commercial shops under the name “Eidi”, indicating that the royalty amounts to ten thousand Syrian pounds for each commercial store.
In the context, the reporter added that the “Ahrar Al-Shraqiya” militia is also implementing, on its part, a campaign to impose royalties under the name “Eidi” on all commercial stores located in the area under its control in the neighborhood of Jenderes road neighborhood in the city of Afrin, explaining that the imposed royalties ranged between five thousand and fifty Thousands of Syrian pounds (pharmacies: 10,000 SP. – Restaurants: 50000 SP. – Grocery stores: 5,000 SP. – Vegetables and fruits stores: 10,000 SP.)