Dispute over the seizure of the bombed market between “Sultan Murad” and “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” in Afrin

Afrinpost – Private

For the fifth consecutive day, the Turkish occupation forces continue to impose strict security measures in the center of the occupied Afrin region, from a ban on the movement of cars inside the city’s streets and a total closure in the triangle between Kawa roundabout – Watani roundabout – Nowruz roundabout – to the entrance to Jenderes passing through the Villas Street – Jenderes Road) .

These measures are accompanied by conducting joint patrols between the “military and civilian police” militias. Likewise, trucks loaded with goods coming from the city of Azaz are prevented from entering the city, where they are emptied into a yard near the Al-Qaws entrance and then transferred to the city’s markets.

A delegation of people affected by the terrorist bombing from the people of the region went to the office of the Turkish governor, but he refused to meet the owners of the affected shops in the market and the shops opposite the market, as it prevents the owners to clean them, under the pretext of security measures, and the occupation is likely to prevent the reopening of the market.

According to “Afrinpost” sources, the militia “Sultan Murad” and “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” are currently fighting, on a daily basis, on the right to control the market targeted in the latest bombing, and such conflicts may permeate shooting.

The security sector surrounding the old courthouse building and the district directorate, including the market, is under the control of the “Sultan Murad” militia, which has strong influence and absolute confidence in the Turkish occupation forces, since its armed men are Turkmen settlers, while the security sectors that are less important are under the control of the militias of the settlers coming from other regions.

The sources confirmed that the “Ahrar Al-Sharqiya Militia” plans to control the market and transform it into a park bearing the names of one of its dead who died in Libya, while the “Sultan Murad” militia wants to keep the market under its control, as it reaps large financial profits from the royalties imposed on the shop owners.

In the same context, “Afrin Post” learned from its sources that a charity belonging to the settlers from Ghouta, which is stationed in the building of the Afrin Hospital, currently “Al-Shifa”, has distributed financial compensation to the victims of the recent terrorist bombing, as well as the families of those killed in the bombing, where the association is granted each family an amount of one thousand dollars as an initial payment, in addition to 800 Turkish liras as a monthly salary for each family from Al-Ghouta.

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