7 Turkish Soldiers in Afrin infected with Coronavirus according to the Syrian Observatory


A state of alert and terror dominated the occupied Kurdish Afrin region, after seven soldiers of the Turkish occupation have been confirmed infected with the Coronavirus, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The results of the medical analyzes conducted for the elements of the Turkish military base in the city showed that about 7 soldiers were infected with the epidemic, where the entire base soldiers were subjected to needed testes and the base was quarantined.

According to the observatory, a state of alertness is prevailing in Afrin and increasing security at the city entry and exit points, which caused traffic crisis at the crossings linking to the rest of the regions, amid fear among residents of an outbreak of the disease.

In the middle of last April, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed that an armed man from the “occupation” militia affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood was infected in the city of Gre Spi/ Tel Abyad.

Sources confirmed that several cases were suspected, among them militants in the ranks of the Islamic militia, and two young men from the town of Suluk, where they have been quarantined, while the Turkish occupation turned the dispensaries of the city of “Sere Kaniyeh / Ras al-Ain” and “Gre Spi / Tel Abyad” to Quarantine centers for the infected arrivals from Turkey.

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