More than 40 Syrian organizations have demanded that a UN resolution be issued obligating Ankara to end its occupation of all Syrian lands and ensure the return of the displaced to the occupied Kurdish Afrin region, which is previously affiliated with the self-administration in northern Syria.
In a written statement issued yesterday \ May 6, 45 Syrian organizations demanded an end to the suffering of the people of Afrin, an end to the daily violations against them, the forcible return of the displaced persons, and the handover of the administration of the area to an independent civil council of the people.
“On April 28, 2020, a violent explosion shook the city of Afrin, killing the lives of at least 60 people, the majority of them innocent civilians, leaving dozens wounded and a number of missing, in addition to material losses, in a result considered the worst since the militarily occupation of the area by the Turkish army and factions of (the Syrian National Army / supported by Turkey) in March 2018 ″.
The statement added: “Over the months and years after the occupation of the area, the Afrin region witnessed thousands of violations against its indigenous Kurdish people, which varied between the seizure of the residents’ property which was documented by Human Rights Watch, arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, looting, and robbery, were all documented. Amnesty International, and the International Commission of Inquiry formed by the United Nations confirmed the continuity of these violations in its last report issued last January, noting that armed groups under the umbrella of the “National Army” committed war crimes and violations Related to the right to property. ”
The organizations continued: “The violations committed and still being committed in Afrin are part of a policy that aims to bring about a massive demographic change in the region and change its identity and population structure, where the numbers provided by identical sources (local and Syrian) indicate a forced displacement movement that led to the displacement of more than 65% of the indigenous people after the military “olive branch” operation launched by Turkey, while the region itself contained tens of thousands of internally displaced persons from different Syrian regions before the invasion.
The organizations identified a number of demands in their statement, namely:
- Take immediate measures to protect the civilian population in Afrin, and hold the Turkish government accountable under the Fourth Geneva Convention, including its primary responsibility as an occupying power, moreover, the safety of the population and the monitoring of cases of forced displacement must be guaranteed, in addition to ensuring the return of the indigenous population to their homes, and stopping Extensive ethnic targeting “Turkification” by changing the names of sites, villages, and cultural heritage sites in the region.
- Take immediate measures to remove the extremist factions from Afrin and ensure the return of all IDPs who were forced to leave the area, return stolen property, compensate the affected, and preserve the identity of the area.
- Issuing an international resolution that obliges the Turkish government to end its occupation of all Syrian regions within a specific timetable.
- Ensure the prosecution of all perpetrators of human rights violations in Afrin, and pledge to compensate those affected without any discrimination.
The following is a list of the signed organizations:
2.Sham organization
3.Fraternity Foundation for Human Rights FFHR-Biratî
5.Kurdish Committee for Human Rights / Observer
6.H C S K
7.Syrians for Truth and Justice-STJ
8.Shar for Development
9.Mahabad Organization for Humen rights MOHR
10.Syrian Center for the Defense of Human Rights
11.Syrian Kurdish civil Forces Gathering
12.Women Empowerment Organization
14.Lekolin centr for Studies and Legal Researches _ Germany
15.The Syrian Women council
16.Hitma organization for cultural and Social Development
17.Hoshin Organization for Thought and Culture
18.Mahabad Organization for Human Rights
19.Armanc Platforma for Civil Society
20.Syrian Kurdish civil Forces Gathering
21.Human rights organizations afrin-syria
22.Assistance for Refugee’s Children Organizatio ARCO
23.Gav for relief and development
24.Center Zagros
25.Roj Kar For Relief And Development “RKRD”
27.Free Yezidi Foundation
28.Act For Afrin
30.The Danish Kurdish Society in Varde
32.Kurdish Women Union
33.Afrin media center
34.Kurdish Legal committee
35.PÊL- Civil Waves
37.Hayva Sor a kurd
38.Organization of Western Kurdistan doctors
39.Kurdish Women’s Union in Syria Rodoz
40.Oxford Kurdish Association (OKA)
41.Human Rights Organization in Syria- MAF
42.Afrin Platform
43.Kurdish organization for human rights in Syria (DAD)
45.Amman Center for Human Rights Studies (ACHRS)