Afrinpost – Special
Afrinpost correspondent in the occupied Kurdish region of Afrin, said that the Islamic militias affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood continue to abuse the indigenous people who remained on their lands, as part of their efforts to displace them and settle in their lands.
In this context, the “Political Security” militia yesterday kidnapped the young “Jiwan Jamil Ibish” at its checkpoint located in the eastern entrance to the city of Afrin (Al-Qaws) on charges of performing the duty of self-defense during the era of “Self-Administration” in the occpuied region, who was taken to an unknown destination.
According to the reporter, the citizen, Jiwan, is 27 years old, and he is a resident of the village of Kafr Janneh, in Shara/ Sharan district, in the eastern countryside of Afrin.
In addition, a week ago, in the area of ”Dawar Kawa” in the center of Afrin, the Kurdish citizen “Abu Rashid” was subjected to a kidnapping by an Islamic militia, and his fate remains unknown.
The Kurdish citizen Abu Rashid comes from the village of Amara, in the “Mobata / Maabatli” district, and works as a driver on a taxi in the city, before the kidnappers rob it in the same operation.
The Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood militants argue that the Kurdish youth in Afrin performed compulsory service as part of the duty of self-defense or advocacy for self-management, in order to kidnap the young men and receive financial ransoms in exchange for their release.
On January 22, the “Political Security” militia affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Turkish occupation kidnapped Aref Sheikho Ibn Sheikho, 31, after his house was raided in the village of Qara Tabah, affiliated with the “Shara/ Sharan” district, on charges of performing the duty of defense Self during the “Self-Administation” era.
In early January, the (Civil Police) militia kidnapped six Kurdish citizens in the village of “Balbala / Balbul” countryside, on charges of serving within the “Self-Defense Forces” as part of its efforts to extort money and restrict them with the aim of defaming and emptying the region of its original Kurdish population.
In turn, on February 16, 2020, “Syrians for Truth and Justice” organization documented the kidnapping of the young “Omar Waqas / 22 years old” by militia from the “Military Police” militia from his house near the Sharia park, on charges of performing a previous self-defense duty, and the young man was released after he paid $ 1,000, while the young man himself had been kidnapped previously, for the same reason and had paid another ransom.
In Jenderis District, on February 9, a patrol of the “Civil Police” militia arrested Ali Abdo Eesek while working as a barber in the district, on charges of performing the duty of self-defense during the period of self-administration, and he was transferred to the Central Prison in Maarat.