Thefts of irrigation tools in the fields of the village of Trinda in Afrin countryside

Photo Credit To special

Afrinpost – Special

The Afrinpost correspondent in the occupied Kurdish region of Afrin, stated that the Islamic militias affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood stole irrigation tools from among the agricultural fields belonging to the farmers of the village of “Trinda / Al-Zarifa” of the Afrin center.

The reporter explained that the militia of the “Hamza Squad” recently stole the irrigation pipes and water sprinklers used to irrigate agricultural lands, among them six thousand meters of hoses belonging to the Mukhtar of the village by the Turkish occupation, in addition to pipes and irrigation sprinklers for other farmers from the “Trinda” village and the other near villages .

The theft is considered a systematic act by the gunmen, and gunmen from the “Naim” group of the “Al-Shamiya Front” militia on Thursday, January 23rd, robbed tow local mini markets in the Ashrafieh neighborhood on the road to Al-Sarafis, the first belonging to the Kurdish citizen Abu Khalil next to Shibli Sweets, the second belongs to a settler from Al-Gouta called “Abu Muhammad” who opens a store in the estate office he occupies, which belongs to the Arab citizen Saeed Sabbagh.

In Al-Mahmoudiyah neighborhood, during that period, thefts took place in five stores opened by settlers from the people of Ghouta by gunmen from the Ahrar Al-Sharqia militia, and a store was stolen in the vicinity of Tishreen School and another beside the Mahmoudiya gas station, where incidents of night theft increased with the flow of deserters from the countryside Western Aleppo and Idlib, as a result of the bombing by the regime army and Russian forces.

With the arrival of a large number of deserters to Afrin, and news about the establishment of a camp near the new Afrin bridge for them, the fears of the indigenous Kurdish population of the violations that they may be exposed to or their property may be exposed to, as the settlers are known to disrespect the deprivations of public or private property, as they Grazing their livestock among olive trees and various fields in the areas where they reside, in addition to carrying out theft and looting of crops, private property and public facilities.

Since its occupation of the Kurdish region of Afrin in northern Syria, the Islamic militias affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood known as the “Free Army / National Army” have sought to bring the families of their armed men to Kurdish villages, under the supervision of Turkish intelligence, in an effort to make a gradual demographic change in Afrin, by continuously pressing the Kurdish population To push them out and leave their property and livelihood for the settlers.

Post source : special

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