Lunjin Jami, her father and sister: nearly two years of kidnapping and their fate is still unknown in Afrin

Lunjin Jami, her father and sister: nearly two years of kidnapping and their fate is still unknown in Afrin
Photo Credit To special

Afrinpost – Special

The unknown fate still surrounds hundreds of sons and daughters of the former Kurdish Autonomous Region of Afrin in the basements and detention centers of the Turkish occupation and Islamic militias affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, where most of them disappeared in conditions far from humanity and human values, in light of the blindness of international and human rights organizations to the file of missing, kidnapped and the detainees in the territory of the region, and its surroundings, as well as those inside Turkey.

In this regard, “Afrinpost” re-sheds light on the oppression suffered by a Kurdish family. The father was kidnapped with two of his daughters in mysterious circumstances about a year and eight months ago in the city of Afrin, where activists accused the militia of the “Hamza Squad” militia of kidnapping the citizens. The three were taken to an unknown destination, with little information available to our correspondent, through follow-up and communication with sources close to the kidnapees.

The source stated to the correspondent that masked gunmen stormed the home of “Mohammed Khalil Abdo” born in 1968 in the village of Dumlia, in “Mobata / Ma’batli” district, and kidnapped him and his daughter, Lunjin, born in 1995, and took them to Unknown destination.

He pointed out that the father’s charge was withholding taxes in the industrial zone in Afrin for the benefit of the former self-administration, just because he owned a workshop for the maintenance of agricultural tractors in the city’s industrial city, while the kidnapping of his daughter Lonjin on the charge of possessing a driving certificate issued by the previous “self-management”.

The source added that after the kidnapping of Lonjin and her father exactly nine days, that is, in the beginning of July 2018, the masked gunmen returned to kidnap the other daughter, “Rujin Abdo” born in 2001, and her uncle, “Kamal Khalil Abdo” born in 1966, from their house in the ancient Afrin neighborhood.

Noting that the kidnappers released the Uncle Kamal after six months in poor health condition as a result of torture during the kidnapping period, and he did not remember anything, without apparently daring to reveal the reason for his kidnapping, the identity of the kidnappers, the circumstances of his kidnapping, his location or how to release him, in a behavior It was caused by his threat by the kidnappers, if he had permitted information to anyone.

Militants of what is known as the “Syrian National Army”, who is affiliated with the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, adopts the method of threat and intimidation with its Kurdish kidnapees, if they leak information to the media, or even to their closest relatives, to cover up their ongoing crimes since their occupation of the Kurdish region in mid-March 2018. .

Post source : special

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