Activists: 11 kidnapees during a week in Afrin .. including 5 women


Activists in the occupied Kurdish Afrin region, northern Syria, said that during the past week, Islamic militias affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood kidnapped a number of the Kurdish indigenous population, as part of their efforts to displace the indigenous population and encourage settlers to settle in their stead.

In this context, activists announced the kidnapping of the citizen “Hussein Hussein bin Youssef” and his brother Muhammad from the people of the town of Ma’abtali with his car – pickup / 2010 / registered with the state, while they were in an olive field for them near the Avaraze spring – the road of Gamrok and near the town on the tenth of January.

They said that gunmen traveling in a van, 5 persons, beat them when they objected to stealing the car, as they moved them to a distance of 15 km near the Qasim village in Raju district and linked them to a tree trunk and left them, and the car was stolen from them, despite the presence of many barriers Armed people in those roads, while the two brothers managed to untie each other from the tree an hour later, and they returned to their hometown, gagged and terrified.

Meanwhile, the Islamic militias in Afrin kidnapped the citizen “Amal Muhammad Mustafa” the wife of the citizen “Fawzi Toubal Hamo” from the village of Ma’rske in the district of Shara .In addition to the kidnapping of the citizen, “Arian Khalil”, also from the village of Ma’rske.

The activists noted that the kidnapping of Amal came after the kidnapping of several women three days ago, “Khadija Muhammad, Khadija Hassan, Amina Namo Kilo” from the village of Korkan Fawqani in the district of Mobata / Ma’batli, where they were released after paying a financial ransom, and also the citizen “Sultana Muhamad Hussein ” was kidnapped from the village of Anqla, affiliated with the Shieh / Sheikh Al-Hadid district

In addition, according to activists, on January 12, the “Al-Mu’tasem Brigade” militia arrested an employee of the Afrin Local Council, called “Muhyiddin Sheikh Naasan” from the village of Avraze, which in “Mobata / Ma’batli” district, where Naasan is the deputy director of the Relief office and is considered one of the founders of the local council of the city of Afrin, which belongs to the Turkish occupation.

On the other hand, the militia of “Sultan Suleiman Shah \ Al-Amshahat” inthe Shieh district / Sheikh Al-Hadid, and the village of Kakhreh, on the twelfth of January, kidnapped two brothers from the village on charges of service within the self-protection forces, which are both “Walat Haj Ali Abbou \ 38 years old, and “Idris Hajj Ali Abbou \ 35 years old.”

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