“Al-Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh Brigade” militia impose a luxury tax on solar panels


A militia affiliated with the Turkish occupation has imposed financial taxes on houses that own solar panels in the Kurdish northern province of Afrin.

The North Press Agency said that the Sultan Mohammed Fatih Brigade imposed financial taxes on the people who own panels to feed their homes with solar energy in the village of Ma’amlo / Oshaghi village of the area of ​​Mobata / Ma’batli in Afrin countryside, under the pretext of luxury taxes to loot the people’s money.

According to the North Press, the militia of Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh imposed 5,000 Syrian pounds on each house that owns the panels, but those who did not pay the amount, the militia raided his house, and seized the solar equipment belonging to the people.

Before the launch of the Turkish military occupation of Afrin, especially in 2016, 2017 and 2018, solar panels spread very significantly in the province of Afrin and its countryside, where it was a way to obtain clean renewable energy, while the security and safety that Afrin lived under the self-management problem From her sons to do various economic projects without fears of being robbed or looted.

But since the Turkish military occupation of Afrin on March 18, 2018, Islamic militants have stolen various private and public property. The Turkish occupation allows them to loot and steal under the name of the spoil.

The Turkish occupation did not lose anything, but contributed to the rupture of societal ties between the Syrians, by sponsoring extremists and6 making them the leaders of uncontrolled on the people in various areas of the Turkish occupation in northern Syria from Jarablus to Afrin, also seeking to expand the scope of insecurity within the so-called With the “safe zone” he occupied from Seret Canet to Cree Spe.

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