A report documents the Turkish occupation’s killing of 176 women since the occupation of Afrin


The Violations Documentation Center in northern Syria said that they documented the deaths of 120 women and the injury of 420 since the Turkish occupation began and the attack on the Kurdish region of Afrin on January 20, 2018, and the military invasion east of the Euphrates on October 9, 2019, until November 24 this year.

This is part of a report marking the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is on 25 November each year.

The report included documenting the killing of 56 women by Turkish gendarmes on the Syrian border, who wanted to seek refuge in Turkey fleeing the fighting in their country, in addition to the killing of 83 children under the age of 14, out of 445 refugees killed since March 2011.
In addition, 120 refugees were injured. Out of 416 fleeing towards the Turkish border.

The report also revealed that Turkish forces and Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated with Islamic militias have detained 270 women out of 5,678 people in detention since March 2018, where half of them thier fate is still unknown.At the beginning of November, pro-Turkish factions arrested 12 women.

At least six cases of torture of women and field executions were documented, including the assassination of Kurdish politician Havrin Khalaf by Turkey’s Ahrar al-Sharqiya militia, the execution of two nurses from the medical team on the Tal Abyad road on October 12, and the arrest and dragging of Chichek Kobani for slaughtering slogans “God is great ”by the militia“ Al-Majd ”in addition to the representation of the body of the fighter Amara, near the town of Ain Issa.

The report mentioned the arrest of a Red Crescent worker, and the filming of a video of gunmen from the “Sultan Murad” militia vows to kill her in Afrin on February 1, 2018.

On Friday, November 15, a Kurdish girl from Ghazawiya village in Afrin countryside named Roya Hanano Mustafa, born in 2004, was kidnapped by gunmen believed to be from ” Failak al-Sham” faction. Women are veiled, while Roya’s relatives have repeatedly been blackmailed and threatened by Al-Sham militia, confirming that the militia leaders kidnapped her for ransom.

On 16 November, the “Military Police” militia and “Political Security” militia arrested three persons: Farhad Mohammad Kulen Sheikh Abdi, 40 years old, Said Gharib Hasso and Said’s wife, Ghalia Hassan, in Afrin city. They were taken to an unknown location. She was also arrested for filing a complaint against armed elements for stealing her car belonging to her husband, Kamiran Manan Ali, 45, who lost his life after the June 12 bombing of the Al-Hal Market.They also raided her sister’s house and kidnapped her with her son.

Militants of the “Military Police” raided the house of the elderly citizen “Nuri Qara” and he was arrested with his two daughters. Ali, Fadilah Mohammed, Fadil Kriku, Fadil Seydou and the elderly “Nuri Qara Ali”, where three of them – Fadil Kriku, Hayat Qarah Ali and Nuri Qarah Ali – were released because of their health status, while the other women’s fate is still unknown.

Nine girls were forced to marry armed factions members in Afrin under threat and extortion, three forced marriages in Jarablus city and one in Azaz city and al-Bab. Only they reported the incident, one of them was killed in Jarablus under the pretext of “honor crime” while the second case against the leader of the militia “Sultan Suleiman Shah”, known as Muhammad al-Jasim Abu Amsha, was closed.

The killing of four women, one in Jarablus city and the other in Afrin city in the publicpark, was documented. All these cases were not interfered with by the judiciary or the security services. As the world celebrates the 25th of November every year, A serious form of human rights violations, the Turkish occupation, through its Islamic militias, continues to rule all celestial and secular covenants with the mud of extremist ideology and the despair of militants who do not value the law or conscience

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