“Nusra” arrests three journalists affiliated to Islamic militias at a checkpoint near “Deir Ballout”


Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Sham, formerly Jabhat al-Nusra / Al-Qaeda branch in Syria, arrested three journalists close to the Islamic militias affiliated to the Turkish occupation on one of its checkpoints near the village of “Deir Ballout” in the countryside of Jinderes in the countryside of Kurdish Afrin.

According to media close to the militias, “Tahrir al-Sham” arrested yesterday evening, three people at a checkpoint belonging to it in the town of “Deir Ballout” in the district of Jinderes in Afrin countryside.

They added that the detainees were Hamoudi Adnan al-Dani and Muhannad Adel al-Dani from Kafranbel city in Idlib. They are journalists working with the militia of Suqour al-Sham, in addition to the director of the media office of Al-Amin, Yasser al-Taraf, From Has town in Idlib.

Idlib areas have witnessed mutual arrests and kidnapping among Islamist militias against the backdrop of the sharing of spheres of influence, while in the Kurdish region of Afrin since its occupation, there are many activists and journalised affiliated with Islamic militias. Where the efforts of these media professionals to justify the abuses of militias or try to deny them, in the Kurdish region occupied for one year and seven months.

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