The occupation militia kidnapped a young man from the village of “Yalanquz” in the countryside of Jendiris, three weeks ago .

The occupation militia kidnapped a young man from the village of "Yalanquz" in the countryside of Jendiris, three weeks ago .
Photo Credit To الأنترنت

Special for Afrinpost

Islamic militias affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the terrorist organization “the Muslim Brotherhood”, which is categorised as a terrorist organisation in many countries, continue the abductions and enforced disappearances against the remaining of the Kurdish youths in the occupied province of Afrin .

In this context, the correspondent of “Afrinpost” in the district of Jendiris said that the armed militias of the occupation kidnapped three weeks ago the young man “Kahraman Hussein”, 24 years old, from his village Yalanquz, where according to information received in the “Marateh Prison”, which is used by the militias as a kidnapp centre For the Kurds.

The correspondent noted that the family of “Kahraman” have paid the amount of 200 thousand Syrian pounds, which is the amount paid to the militias for the release of the abductees in the “prison of Maratheh”, but yet they didn’t release him.

The village of “Yalanquz” during the Turkish invasion of the province of Afrin, was bombed by warplanes on the twenty-eighth day of the aggression, resulting in the death of the citizen, “Abdul Rahman Akash”.

On 26 February last year, Turkish warplanes resumed targeting the village of Yalanquz, resulting in a massacre in the village that killed at least five civilians, including two children.

Post source : ٍAfrinpost

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