The Kurds ‘ houses in the village of Tillife Turn into Stables!

AFRINPOST- Exclusive

According to the correspondent of AFRINPOST in the area of Jinderse/Cindirêsê, the Islamic militias affiliated to the Turkish occupation continue to prevent the residents of Tillife/Tilifê village from returning to their homes.

Our correspondent added that the houses of the Kurds have been transformed into Stables for cattle, where settlers,” who were predominantly from the militias gunmen’ families” had brought thousands of heads with them (most of which were probably stolen from the people of Afrin, in the time of the military occupation of the Kurdish region Afrin/Rojava.

The correspondent confirmed that the Islamic militias prevent the indigenous Kurds from returning to their homes, arguing that the Turkish occupation forces do not accept the return of the Kurds to the village!

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