Looting in Afrin continues by Islamic militias

AFRINPOST- Ixclusive

After the theft of Afrin installations and laboratories. Islamist militias steal “water meters” and use electricity poles for heating.

Since the first day of its military occupation, the Islamic militias accompanying the Turkish occupation forces continue to steal what Afrin (which is occupied by Turkish occupation and Islamic militias) has of industrial and commercial facilities, cars and agricultural machinery, which was launched on the day of the Fall of Afrin “Locust Day”. The large-scale robbery was carried out under the Turkish occupation power and its supervision, where the militias was rewarded with the release of her hand to lawlessness Kurds ‘ property and their livelihood, so that media accompanying the occupation forces had published pictures of militias stealing food from the groceries, which was interpreted by activists as a response to the extent of the “greed” of those Militias.

In the context of looting of public and private property, the citizens ‘ counters belonging to the water company from the entrances to residential buildings in the city of Afrin were not handed over by the Islamic militias of the Turkish occupation.

AFRINPOST received special photographs showing the theft of water meters in Jindirèsè/Cindirêsê Road district, where the removal and looting of all the counters of buildings, which was repeated in other areas occupied by Islamic militias such as the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo:

The Islamist militias continue to loot copper electric cables from the public pillars in the length and width of the area, and they cut the wooden power poles in Rajo’s area to be used for heating!

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