Blurring Kurdish identity by preventing the Kurdish language

AFRINPOST- Exclusive

After being the main language. “Kurdish” is absent from Afrin schools because of the settlers prevent.
A special source of AFRINPOST said that there are some methods of intimidation against Kurdish citizens in Afrin/Rojava about teaching Kurdish language.

The source said that the teaching of the Kurdish language can now take place within the schools opened by the Turkish occupation and its militias, but in the form of non-compulsory quotas, adding that it is taught as a subject within the curriculum, after the fully education of the people of Afrin in their mother tongue. during the era of “self-management”!

The source added to the AFRINPOST that the teaching of Kurdish language classes within schools in Afrin and the countryside, depends on the request of the school principle itself to teach or not to ask for it, where some of schools are run by settlers coming with the Islamic militias from Homs, Ghouta and other areas, and some others are run by Kurdish principles.

The source noted that schools run by settlers do not teach Kurdish even as a class, as a result of not asking for their education, while schools run by Kurdish principles also often do not teach the Kurdish language, since they do not dare to demand their education.

A former source told the AFRINPOST that most of the settler’s work in help organizations and educational institutions according to fake certificates which are issued from the city of Izzaz.

The source added: “A settler has offered to young men to bring fake testimonies from Izzaz, so that they can provide them to help or educational organizations,” which is important for employment in the educational sector, the fact that educational institutions affiliated with Islamic militias and their political front Represented by the Syrian Coalition, requires employment based of specialization, whether it is teaching mathematics or other educational disciplines.

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