The Turkish occupation’s Islamic (“feylak al-Sham”) militia kidnapped the nurse Adnan Bustan al-Kurdi in the Rajo district of the former self-administered Kurdish region of Afrin/Rojava, releasing him after severely torturing him and holding a ransom money.
Local activists said that Adnan Kurdi, a resident of the village of Bilelko was abducted today by armed members of the “faylak al-sham” militia and was taken to their station, where they severely tortured him in order to obtain financial ransom.

The nurse Adnan, who works as a physical therapist, appeared in a video clip, which was filmed by the militia to exonerate itself and the operation attributed to a splinter faction of the “faylak al-majed” and show them as the kidnapper.
The activists said mentioned that the nurse Adnan had been repeatedly abducted by the militia in order to seek ransom.
It was clear that the Islamist militias are using kidnapping and arresting as a tool for earning money and blackmailing the people as a part of their policy of impoverishment, which is supervised by the Turkish occupation intelligence in the province.