Afrin from the city of safety and peace to a swamp of terrorism after occupation

As a result of the emergence of several conflicts between the militants of the Turkish occupation Islamic militias, especially those from the eastern region or Deir alzor, and settlers from Damascus countryside, on Friday one of the people of Damascus was killed in an unagreed tally between the two sides, tensions persist continue in Afrin/Rojava.

The Afrin Post correspondent said dozens of settlers from Ghouta were demonstrating Saturday afternoon, in front of the government’s al-Serail building, which is being taken by the Turkish occupation forces as its main headquarters, in protest the killing of the settler by militants of the Ahrar alhsarkia militia.

“The demonstrators are demanding retaliation or extradition, while the Turkish occupation has entered the mediation line between the two sides to resolve the crisis,” said the correspondent, noting that the atmosphere in Afrin is threatening to escalate tensions between the two sides if the demands of settlers from rural Damascus were not achieved.

In this context, the correspondent of the “Afrin post” in the center of the Kurdish region of Afrin/Rojava, confirmed that the gunmen of the ” Ahrar alsharkia” militia hit a security cordon in the Mahmoudiyah district and closed the Raju road between Nawroz roundabout and the neighborhood.

During the weekend, clashes took place between gunmen from Deir alzor and settlers from rural Damascus, and activists in response to Afrin warned of the possibility of such confrontations, as a result of the social disparity between the two sides.

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