Afrin Resident Takes Shelter in the Shadow of His Seized Home


Amidst the Turkish authorities’ abdication of responsibility to protect private property in occupied Afrin, civilians continue to endure significant difficulties in reclaiming their belongings after armed militias from the “Syrian National Army” and their families seized properties belonging to the region’s original inhabitants since its occupation in March 2018.

In this context, our correspondent in the city reported that an IDP from Deir ez-Zor Governorate refuses to vacate the residence of Kurdish citizen Rashid Dawood, located near the water reservoir in the Ashrafiyeh neighborhood of occupied Afrin. This has forced Dawood to set up a tent near his seized home and live in it.

Citizen Rashid had filed a complaint with the occupation authorities, but the IDP demanded a payment of $2,000 USD for his evacuation. It’s worth noting that the IDP had previously divided the house into two sections, renting one part and residing in the other.

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