Kurdish elderly man brutally slaughtered by pro-Ankara militias during Afrin invasion

afrinpost – Special

Day after day, the crimes and atrocities committed by the Turkish forces and their militants against Kurdish civilians during their invasion of the villages and towns of Afrin region, are unfolding, far from the eyes of the press.

In this context, “afrinpost” learned today from reliable sources that the Turkish-backed militias killed the Kurdish citizen “Bakr Ahmed Bakr, 78 years old” by slaughtering him with a knife and separating his head from his body, shortly after the militants invaded the village on February 22, 2018.

According to the sources, about a month after the villagers returned to their homes, the head of the elderly “Bakr” was found in the house of the citizen “Jamil Othman”, while his body was found in an olive field next to the village, so the people collected the head with his body and buried them in Village cemetery.

The elderly “Bakr” had preferred to stay in the village despite the war, believing that his old age would intercede for him in front of the gunmen and they would not harm him. However, pro-Ankara terrorists slaughtered him despite his old age and weakness.

It is worth mentioning that the village “Korkan Tahtani” is currently occupied by the militia of the Turkish-backed “Sultan Mehmet Al-Fateh Division”, which is led by the so-called “Dogan”.

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