Turkish occupation arrests seven leaders in the militia of “Sultan Murad”

Afrinpost – Special

About a week ago, the Turkish occupation intelligence arrested seven of the militants of “Sultan Murad ” militia, because they had seized “commissions” of the gunmen who wanted to go to Libya, according to the sources of “Afrinpost”.

The sources emphasized that in the light of the Turkish occupation cutting salaries for a number of militias, the number of those wishing to go to the Libyan scene has increased in the hope of the high salaries set by the occupation for this purpose, which amount to two thousand US dollars as monthly salaries in exchange for fighting alongside the Brotherhood government.

In the context, the Libyan National Army published a video clip, showing a mercenary from the militia of “Sultan Suleiman Shah”, where he was captured in the battles taking place in Libya.

The “mercenary” indicated that the majority of Islamic militias affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood send their militants to fight in Libya, after they sold their areas to “the Regime and Russia” according to their understanding of the conflict in Syria, expelling them to the northern Syrian regions, and turning them into Ottoman tools.

The alleged “Ahmed Karmo Al-Shihabi” the leader in the Islamic militias affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood, revelied on January 19, when he admitted that they are soldiers of the occupation and do not have any connection with Syria and the Syrians, unlike the false narration that they tried to market over the years those who seek to fight the “separatists” in reference to the “Syrian Democratic Forces”, which is the only party seeking to build a new Syria that brings together all its people.

“Karmo” said at the time: “Our souls, our children, and our grandparents are a redemption of the homeland, a redemption of the Ottoman caliphate,” which confirms their employment for Turkey, their endeavor to cut Syrian lands and annex them to Turkey, and divide the Syrian territories geographically, after they divided the Syrians sectarian and nationally, despite all the attempts of peoples Northern Syria, including Arabs, Kurds, Syrians, Armenians, and others, in the face of the separatist aspirations of the Muslim Brotherhood.

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