Nizar Al-Samadi .. the “socialist” settler who led the settlement campaign in Mobata

Afrinpost – Special

“Afrinpost” learned from sources that the settler, Nizar Al-Samadi, was the one who led the settlement campaign in “Mobata / Ma’batli” district in the occupied countryside of Afrin, benefiting from the amount of two thousand dollars, which he stole from the councils that he headed even before his expulsion from Eastern Ghouta, along with tens of thousands of armed men and their families, as a member of the Military Revolutionary Council in Eastern Ghouta, the head of the local Duma council, the head of local councils in Damascus countryside, and a member of the (liberated) Damascus countryside provincial council.

The sources confirmed that the “Samadi settler” claims to be “socialist”, but he did not hesitate to take advantage of a religious fatwa analyzing his takeover of the homes and properties of the “Mobata” displaced people, as they are “Alawite Kurds!”, Noting that he implemented several agricultural projects in the town to enable the settlers from staying in the homes of the displaced Kurds.

Among them, he bought a thousand head of cattle for the settlers to graze in the fields and vineyards under his protection, as he currently heads the so-called “East Ghouta Diaspora Council” in “Mobata”.

“Al-Smadi” said today, Monday, in an interview on the “pro-armed” “Watan FM” radio, that “the people of Ghouta” are guests in the region and do not want to make any demographic change! Although he led a demonstration against the (Ma’batli Local Council) in September 2018, to demand the expulsion of a Kurdish teacher from the school because she did not wear the hijab, so that matters evolve with the settlers to demand the dissolution of the appointed council, in protest against the representation of settlers within it, as it is controlled by Kurdish collaborators with the Turkish occupation, at that time, settler demonstrators -led by him- stormed the council building, and assaulted everyone inside it, including the speaker of the council, “Sheikh Na’san”.

Activists working in the occupied territory reported last February that more than 850 settlement families have reached the Bulbul district, about 1850 settlement families to the Shara / Sharan district, 750 settlement families to Raju district, 652 settlement families to Jenderes district, and 357 families A settlement to the Shieh district / Sheikh Al-Hadid, about 470 families to the Ma’batli district and 400 families to the Shirawa district.

As for the Russian Ministry of Defense, it accused for the first time on the third of March, by the head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria, Major General Oleg Goravlov, the Turkish occupation authorities that they are settling the Turkmen in areas from which the Kurds were expelled, which led to a fundamental change in the demographic composition in that Regions.

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