Islamic militias use different methods to lure and kidnap children

Afrinpost – Special

Islamic militias affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood resort to many ways to lure young people and children from the streets of the city of Afrin to kidnap them, while a source in Afrin said that the cases of theft have increased in recent period.

Commenting on the kidnappings, a special source told “Afrinpost” that the Turkish occupation and its militias are resorting to ways of attracting adolescents and children to kidnap them. In an incident that took place a few days ago, the source said, “Two young girls (Sh) and (A), about 17 years old, went out from the house, and on the way a woman and a man stopped them and asked them about the location of the cultural center, and asked them to lead them to it. ”

“On the way, a car came quickly and tried to kidnap the two girls, but they screamed and managed to escape from them,” the source added, adding: “The two girls now do not dare to leave their homes located in the neighborhood of Mahmoudiyah.”

In another incident, the source said: “At the Nowruz roundabout, and I was a witness to this, a car passed by a small child and tried to hijack him, but the people there were able to catch him and retrieve the child.”

Following: “There are groups that trade in human organs, so they kidnap these people to take their organs and sell them.” The source asked the parents to pay attention to their children and warn them so that they would not go with anyone to anywhere.

The source also noted the increase in cases of theft, saying that “due to the failure of Turkey to pay the salaries of the militants, the cases of theft increased in the neighborhoods of Mahmudiya and Ashrafieh in particular.” He added, “In our building several days ago two motorcycles were stolen.”

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