“Afrin Liberation Forces” carries out a series of operations against the occupation gunmen


The “Afrin Liberation Forces” said today, Tuesday, that it carried out a series of operations against the Turkish occupation militants and the Muslim Brotherhood’s “hired killers” known as the “Syrian National Army”, who were the occupation tools to invade Afrin and Serekaniye in northern Syria.

The “Afrin Liberation Forces ” indicated that its fighters killed 6 “armed men / hired killers” during several operations in Afrin and Izaz, the two occupied cities in the northwestern Syria.

The forces said that their operations were carried out in the period between the 5th and the 11th of this May.

The statement stated: “To the media and public opinion, on May 05 this year: Our forces carried out a specific operation targeting a gathering of mercenaries of the Turkish occupation in the area between the village of Deir Ballut and the district of Jenderes, during which two mercenaries were killed.”

Adding: “On May 07: Our forces detonated an explosive device at a gathering of mercenaries of the Turkish occupation in the village of Basuta, in the district of Sherawa, where two mercenaries were killed and two others were wounded.”

Following: “On May 08: Our forces carried out a sniper attack targeting a mercenary of the Turkish occupation in the vicinity of Marea, where he was killed instantly.” And on May 11: our forces detonated an explosive device on a regular basis to the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation in the city of Afrin, during which mercenaries were killed and another mercenary was injured. ”

“As a result of our forces operations, 6 mercenaries were killed and three others were wounded,” the forces concluded.

The Afrin Liberation Forces, through their specific operations, seek to remind the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood militants that their presence in Afrin is temporary, and that it is subject to the international conspiracy that allowed the Turkish occupation to invade the Kurdish region mainly, with the aim of ethnic cleansing, displacing them, and replacing them with the settlers from the countryside of Damascus, Homs, Hama, Aleppo, and Deir Al-Zour.

Although these military operations may not achieve field progress for the resistance forces, but it is a renewed message at all times that the time for revenge for Afrin and its people is inevitably coming, while insisting on returning the displaced Afrin people to their lands, and expelling the settlers, occupation and its militants from the Kurdish region.

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