15 olive and almond trees in “Hisseh” village were cut down

Afrinpost – Special

Militants of the Islamic militia known as the “National Army” affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood continue to cut trees from forests and fields throughout the occupied Kurdish Afrin region, and trade in logs in light of the increasing demand for them in areas under Turkish occupation in northwestern Syria.

In this context, the Afrinpost correspondent in the “Mobata / Ma’batli” district said that the militia of the “Al-Shamiya Front” militia last Wednesday cut down 12 olive trees with a chainsaw belonging to the citizen Subhi Hamdoush from the village of Hisseh / Mirkan “.

The reporter confirmed that the owner of the field resides in the city of Afrin, and when he heard of the news of cutting his trees, he went directly to the village, to find that the militants cut down 12 olive trees from his field, in addition to 3 almond trees, noting that the Kurdish citizen gave them the documents that prove his ownership of the field, until the gunmen stopped cutting.

The reporter added that the gunmen took the log despite the owner of the land complaining to the militia leader, called “Abu Aslan”, but he refused to go into the file.

The occupied Kurdish region witnesses daily logging of forests and olive trees by the Islamic militia and their settlers, and the Afrinpost correspondents have indicated in previous times, that the occupation militias cut down the forest trees as well as the olive trees belonging to the Afrin Displaced people, and collect firewood in centers on the outskirts of villages, with the aim of selling and exporting the rest to Turkey.

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