Occupation militias steal a flock of sheep in the Shirawa district

Afrinpost – Special

Last week, the Turkish occupation militia stole a flock belonging to a shepherd from the vicinity of the village of “Mayasa” in the district of Shirawa, and they went to the neighboring village of Brad, according to sources from the region.

The sources pointed out that the militias stationed in the “village of Brad”, which is the “Hamza division”, stole a flock of sheep “85 sheep” belonging to the citizen “Ahmed Faraj”, from the village of Mayasa while he was tending his sheep in the seam area between his village and the neighboring Brad Pointing out that the gunmen days later, they returned fifty sheep to the area from which they stole the flock and kept the rest.

This comes at a time when the smuggling and trade movement between the Turkish occupation militias and the militias affiliated with the Syrian regime has not stopped in the towns of Nubul and Zahra, since the Afrin region was occupied in mid-March 2018.

At the end of May 2019, gunmen of the Islamic militia known as the “Syrian National Army / Free Army” set fire to the lands of the Shirawa district, where a correspondent of “Afrinpost” reported that the Turkish occupation militias stationed in the village of Brad, set fire to the “Nawali Qaziz” area in the north The village, taking advantage of strong western winds, led to the spread of huge fires on agricultural lands and neighboring olive fields.

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