Afrinpost – Special
Unknown fate still surrounds hundreds of sons and daughters of the former Kurdish Autonomous Region of Afrin in the basements and detention centers of the Turkish occupation and Islamic militias affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, where most of them disappeared in conditions far from human values, in light of the blindness of international and human rights organizations to the files of missing and kidnapped and the detainees.
In connection with that, “Afrinpost” learned from its sources that the fate of the Kurdish young man, “Muhammad Hamliko”, from the village of Hisseh/ Merkan, in “Mobata \ Maatbali” district, is still unknown, despite it is has been more than a year and nine months since his abduction.
The sources confirmed that Muhammad’s relatives made great efforts to reveal his fate, in addition to the large costs they paid to the militia in the form of bribes in the search for him in the prisons of Azaz, Al-Bab and Al-Rai, but they could not find acertain information about their missing son.
This comes after a good percentage of Afrin decided to return and maintain the region from the Turkish plans to change its demography and erase its ethnic identity, by attracting thousands of armed families.
However, the endeavors of the Afrinis A year and nine months after the kidnapping of a young man from the village of “Hassia”who decided to fight a white resistance with a taste of coercion over life under the occupation did not succeed, as a result of the use of the Turkish occupation of all possible mechanisms and plans to prevent the displaced from returning, and the displacement of those who returned, in order to apply the demographic change planned by the occupation months before the launch of the military invasion Turkish Brotherhood over the Kurdish region.
The head of the Turkish occupation, Erdogan, said in the early days of the invasion that the percentage of Kurds in Afrin is equivalent to 35% of the total population, and that the Arabs constitute 55% of the population, as part of his efforts to change the demography of the Kurdish region, and hit the Syrian ethnic components together.
The Turkish occupation succeeded in implementing a demographic change in the Afrin region, after that some weak souls were drawn, in exchange for some privileges, such as the one in which the Muslim Brotherhood gunmen who call themselves “the Syrian National Army / Free Army” are now being tempted to leave Idlib and go to Libya, fighting in favor of the expansion of the new Ottomanism that Ankara is seeking.