Afrinpost – Special
Yesterday, Sunday, the Turkish authorities arrested a Syrian Kurdish couple in the Turkish state of Hatay, on charges of collaborating with the “People’s Protection Units”, and their fate remains unknown until today.
Private sources confirmed to “Afrinpost” that the Turkish authorities arrested “Ahmed Khilo” and his wife, “Yara Khilo” from their home in the village of Ingleri, which is affiliated to Qaraq Khan district, adjacent to the Turkish-Syrian border, on charges of collaborating with the “People’s Protection Units.”
The couple Ahmed and Yara are descended from Kobani in northern Syria, and they have been working for years in that area in the area of agriculture, while it appears that the Turkish occupation has drawn haphazardly from the Islamic militias affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, where Kurdish citizens are kidnapped in Afrin on preprepared charges relating to collaborating with the “People’s Protection Units” or advocacy of “Self-Administration”.
In Afrin, and since the Turkish military occupation was applied to the Kurdish region in northern Syria, the occupation has sought, through its armed men, to kidnap all Kurdish residents of the youth category, with pre-prepared pretexts and accusations, such as affiliation with the Syrian Democratic Forces or advocacy of Self-Administration, to push them for the forced displacement of their land, where the occupation authorities succeeded in its many endeavors, it took advantage of the world’s silence about the crime of invasion, occupation, and violations that have continued for two years.