Activists on social media circulated a video showing two gunmen from the “Army of the Eastern” militia of the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood, and boasted about going to the forests of the district of Jenderes in the countryside of the Kurdish region of Afrin to cut down trees.
Activists said that the gunmen from the group called “Abu Hamza Khasham,” within the militia “Army of Al-Sharqiya”, which is stationed in the district of Jendiris, where the scenes show the militants singing songs and epics of delight seem to cut trees Afrin, as it has become a source of income for the militants, while the Occupation Councils impose that that the indigenous Kurds must obtain approval before pruning their olive trees in order to secure firewood for themselves.
The occupied Kurdish region is witnessing daily logging of olive trees and perennial olive trees with the beginning of winter, by Islamic militia gunmen in the region, and their families.
The correspondents of “Afrinpost” pointed out earlier, for the gunmen and their families settlers, cutting down forest trees as well as olives belonging to the displaced Afrin, and collect firewood in centers on the outskirts of villages in order to sell them and export the rest to Turkey.
The price of firewood is controlled by Islamic militias. The price per ton of firewood ranges from 25 to 35 thousand Syrian pounds, while the olive trees range from 45 to 60 thousand.