Islamic militias are killing each other in the areas of the Turkish occupation and the province of Afrin


Three militants of the so-called Badr Martyrs’ Army were killed Thursday morning in Afrin, without any information about who was responsible, in a process of killing by militias to get rid of them, media reports said.

One of its rivals is to steal or as a way to resolve disputes in the absence of law and the rule of the law of the jungle, which has dominated since the military occupation of the Kurdish occupied Afrin.

Islamic militia media reported that one of the dead, Ahmed Omar al-Shaker, by targeting a car belonging to the same militia on Wednesday night in al-Ra’i town, northeast of Aleppo, killing two of its leaders, Abu Khalaf. Known as (deputy commander of the army), and the so-called “Abu al-Qasim,” one of his military leaders.

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