A private source told “Afrin Post” that the Education Directorate in Aleppo, which is responsible for the recruitment of teachers in Afrin and the payment of their salaries, has taken during the last month arbitrary measures against teachers of the occupied Kurdish region, without any national considerations to assess their own situation by virtue of being The occupation authority and the Islamic militias affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The source revealed that the Directorate punished the Educational body in Afrin, because of the payment of the salaries of teachers from Afrin to thier colleagues, as a result of the difficulty of coming from Afrin to Aleppo on a monthly basis, claiming that teachers must attend in person to receive their salaries.
In this context, the regime authorities arrested the officials of the educational body in Afrin, including its leader, for two days, where the Directorate of Education in Aleppo says that teachers must be present in person to receive their salaries, although the Kurdish region is currently under Turkish occupation.
Teachers from Afrin considered the operation incapable, given the impossibility of coming and going on a monthly basis, because of the risk of passing through dozens of checkpoints belonging to extremist Islamic militias called (Free Army, National Army).
Some teachers seek to stay in the territory, in order to preserve their property and livelihoods from looting , where they will be seized by militants and their families, settlers, if left empty.
These teachers will resort to a one-year unpaid leave to ensure they are not dismissed from their jobs and also protect their property, but will remain without a source of income, as their salaries are their only source of income.