Dispute Over Seized Property Persists in Afrin as IDPs Defy Court Order to Vacate

afrinpost– Exclusive

In a recent development, our correspondent reported that a family from Ghouta Damascus continues to occupy a seized house belonging to Abdul Rahman Khalil in the occupied neighborhood of al-Ashrafieh, Afrin, despite a court ruling ordering the property’s return to its rightful owners.

Our correspondent explains that the IDPs refuse to vacate the residence of Abdul Rahman, a resident of the village of Sheetana in the Mobata district, despite a court decision issued by the Afrin court to hand over the property. Today, on June 22nd, a patrol from the Civil Police militia attempted to evict them, but they demanded a payment of one thousand dollars in exchange for surrendering the house.

Illegal sales of properties seized from Kurdish citizens by armed groups and their relatives among the IDPs in the occupied Afrin region continue unabated.

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