Occupation authorities arrests a Kurd from Gawanda village

afrinpost – Special

The kidnappings and arrests aimed at financial blackmail and harassment of the remaining indigenous Kurdish population in the occupied Afrin region in northern Syria continue in the ethnic cleansing plan drawn up by the Turkish occupation authorities in their endeavor to end the Kurdish presence on their historical land.

About two weeks ago, a Turkish intelligence patrol arrested the Kurdish citizen Rashid Omar Omar, 35 years old, from his home in the village of Gawanda – one of the villages of Maydana – on charges of working in the institutions of the former Autonomous Administration and took him to its headquarters in Afrin.

Knowing that Rashid, from “Gulaq” family, is married with two sons.

According to the afrinpost correspondent, the “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” militia had kidnapped Rashid and detained him in its headquarters in the village for four days, and as soon as he was released, a Turkish intelligence patrol raided his house to arrest him again, knowing that he is currently in the central prison of “Maarateh”, and he is to be released soon after paying a ransom.

An unknown armed group also kidnapped the settler, Ammar Medlej, from the town of Anadan from the center of the occupied city of Afrin without the intervention of the security services set up by the Turkish occupation authorities under the pretext of maintaining security and safety.

In the same context, Afrin Post learned from its sources that the Turkish occupation authorities released today, at exactly six o’clock in the evening, the citizen Abdul Muttalib Sheikh Naasan, the former head of the Ma’abatli Local Council of the Turkish occupation, and the Kurdish citizen “Kaniwar Muhammad” who was working as an employee was also released Civilian in Mobata Council.

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