Facts: Settlers in Afrin refuse to evacuate the seized homes and shops

afrinpost – Special

A large propaganda campaign to promote the work of the so-called “Restitution of Rights and Grievances” committee. In fact, its mission is to legitimize the seizure process according to fake lease contracts. The settlers refuse to evacuate the seized properties, just as some of the committee’s members are themselves seizing a large number of properties.

In the context, Afrinpost correspondent reported that the so-called “Abu al-Majd”, a member in the intelligence of the Turkish occupation, sold a second house in the same building in which he lives. The house is owned by the Kurdish citizen Muhammad Ibrahim Jaafar and its location is in Ashrafieh neighborhood near Al-Hayat pharmacy.

The so-called “Al-Majd” also organized a one-year rental contract for a house, and the tenant is a settler from the town of Khan al-Sabl in Idlib governorate. The house is owned by the Kurdish citizen Abu Jihad, a resident of Kirzele, and he is still living in the village. Abu al-Majd went to him with the contract and obligated him to put his fingerprint on the contract and take the full amount of the rent allowance, which is $ 100.

In another context, a group called “Firas Oso” from al-Jabha l-Shamiya militia refuses to return the shops owned by Kurdish citizens located in the vicinity of Qabban Roundabout, and the citizens are:

1- Muhammad Mustafa Rasheed, from the village of Gunde Mezin (a chicken store).

2- Ali Hamid, from the village of Gunde Mezin (a gas shop).

3- Fidan Hamid, and she is the sister of Ali Hamid

4- Almaz Muhammad.

5- Ahmed Sheikho, from the village of “Gunde Sheikh”.

The correspondent added that there are dozens of shops that did not have the opportunity to know the names of their owners.

In the context of the settlers ’refusal to evacuate the seized properties, the Afrinpost correspondent stated that a settler from Jabal al-Hoss area in the southern countryside of Aleppo refuses to evacuate a seized house owned by the Kurdish citizen Ibrahim Muhammad Ali from the town of Sharan, and the house is located in the Ashrafieh neighborhood above the former Turkish base , although he submitted several complaints to the so-called Restitution of Rights and Grievances Committee, which visited the house, and they learned that the settler has a kinship relationship to the so-called Abu Riyad, Commander of the Military Police, and instead of taking him out of the house, they organized a fake lease for a period of six months in exchange for a monthly rent allowance of 15 thousand Syrian pounds, but he is not obligated to actually pay the amount.

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