Afrinpost – Special
Afrinpost learned from its sources that six members and employees of the Occupation Council in the Mobata / Maabatli area are still under arrest and investigation, amid reports of severe torture at the hands of their jailers, in light of the continuing interrogation with them, despite the passage of more than a month of their arrest.
The occupation authorities had released six out of 12 members and an employee of Kurdish citizens in the local Mobata council of the Turkish occupation, while (1) Abd al-Muttalib Sheikh Naasan, head of the council, 2 Salah Shaabo (deputy head of the council) 3-Ali Ahmed Ishanu (Al-Zaytoun office) 4- Kaniwar Kamal Muhammad, employee (employee), 5- Hassan Ishanu (office employee).
The sources told “Afrinpost” that the detainees are subjected to severe torture, especially the speaker and his deputy, as electrocution is used to torture them.
It is noteworthy that the campaign of arrests in the local council affected the Kurdish citizens alone, and none of the settlers working in the council was arrested, as the occupation authority’s objectives of restricting the Kurds are clear, even among those who collaborate with it with the aim of displacing them.
The Turkish occupation authorities charged a number of accusations and excuses for the six detainees, none of them proved to be committed by evidence, and the accusations are: financial embezzlement by selling relief supplies – the relationship with the party and intended to send money to forcibly displaced people in al-Shahba areas, and granting legal powers to the displaced and absentees’ families to manage their property.
The “Civil Police” militia arrested Abdul-Muttalib Sheikh Naasan (head of the town council) and the citizen “Hassan Ishanu and a third person,” after the end of the official working hours in the council on Wednesday 10/14/2020.
As for Salah Shaabu – Deputy Chairman of the Council and Kanywar Kamal Muhammad, they were arrested by a joint patrol of Turkish intelligence agents and the “Civil Police” militia on 10/11/2020, during a raid on the local council building in Maabatli district, as part of a group that included five other people.
It is noteworthy that the local councils were formed by the Turkish occupation authorities, and some Kurdish citizens accepted to work in them for various reasons, except for the Turkish authorities aiming by employing them to legitimize the occupation by involving a number of Kurdish citizens, and with the passage of time and the confirmation of the occupation and imposing the status quo, it began targeting Kurdish citizens and dismissing them. As the dismissals even extended to the imams of mosques.