Afrinpost – Special
Islamic militias affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood attempted to arrest a young man on the pretext he was driving a motorcycle quickly, but that his mother stood in front of the militants and did not allow them to arrest him.
A source from Afrin told “Afrinpst” that the “Civil Police” militia chased a young man of fifteen years of age, and tried to arrest him on the pretext that he was driving a motorcycle quickly.
The source added that the young man’s mother reached her son and did not allow the gunmen to arrest him, and stated that “the mother told them” there is no money “, indicating that the militia was doing this to request money later.
The source confirmed that the mother stood in front of the police, and said, “If you take my son, I will set fire to my body here.” Noting that the mother was very nervous, saying: “For the first time I see someone standing in front of the militias in this way.”
The source pointed out that the police left the mother and her son to return to their home after resisting them.
The source also continued, “Militia drive their motorcycles at speeds greater than 120 in the city, and this police come to arrest a young man, who is better off controlling chaos in Afrin, but this is impossible because it is involved in that.”