“Al-Waqas” militia kidnapped two young men from “Shieh” who were celebrating “Şevê Ara”

Afrinpost – Special

The Turkish occupation forces and the Islamic militias affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood continue to abuse them with the indigenous people who remained on their lands, as part of their efforts to displace them and their families settle in their lands.

In this context, the “Saad bin Abi Al-Waqas Brigade” militia kidnapped two Kurdish youths in the occupied rural village of Afrin, on charges of setting fire to the “Night of Nowruz / Shaveh Ara”, on the 20th of March.

The Afrin Post reporter in the “Shih / Sheikh Al-Hadid” side said that the “Waqas” militia kidnapped both the “Aref Kilo” and “Kanyware Rashid”, 19, because of their celebration of Nowruz and lighting their torch, noting that the militia had surrendered The two young men to the Military Police militia in the city of Jenderes.

In a related context, activists said that gunmen kidnapped on the seventeenth of March, the citizen, “Sheikhimos Ali Ibn Muhammad” from the people of the village of “Araba / Arab Oshaghi” of “Mobata / Maabatli” district while he was inside the bus station in the city of Afrin, which is run by a brother Abu Rajab Al-Banawi Al-Manadawi, within the militia of the “Levant Front”, after receiving a money order of 15 thousand Syrian pounds, and he was taken to an unknown destination.

Likewise, on March 18, the Levant militia and the Turkish Intelligence Service kidnapped the citizen, Habash Bahjat Habash, who is from the family of Habbouka Hamshalak, while he was in his workshop in the industrial area, on the pretext of performing his duty within the ranks of the “Self-Defense Forces” During the era of “Self-Admisntration.”

The activists also mentioned the kidnapping of the Turkish occupation intelligence on the nineteenth of March, the young “Shiyar Suleiman Hallaq / 25 years”, from the people of the village of “Qara Kol” affiliated with “Bulbala / Bulbul” district, who is residing in the city of Afrin, while doing his work at the Jenderes crossing as a translator almost eight months ago, he moved between several other crossings (Gazawiya crossing), knowing that he had been residing in Turkey for more than seven years.

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