After being killed in eastern Euphrates, the militia of “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” bury three of their gunmen in Jinderes


Ahrar al-Sharqiya militia buried on Sunday morning three of their gunmen who were killed in the battles waged by the Turkish occupation forces and the Muslim Brotherhood in eastern Euphrates against the Syrian Democratic Forces.

The correspondent of “Afrinpost” in the district reported that the militia “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” buried three of its dead gunmen in one of the graves of the city of Jinderes in the countryside of occupied Afrin, amid heavy gunfire, which is likely the presence of leaders among them.

Last night, the city of Jinderes also witnessed the firing of bullets as the bodies of the dead gunmen participating in the Turkish invasion of northern and eastern Syria under the name of “Sring of Peace” arrived.

During their participation in the invasion of the eastern Euphrates areas, in mid-October, the militiamen published a video showing the spread of their gunmen on the international road, and carrying out a field execution by investigating a number of motorists who fell in their hands.

The scenes showed the gunmen boasting about the killing of the secretary general of the Future Syria Party, Syrian Kurdish engineer Hevrin Khalaf, 36, and insulting her.

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