A sense of relief among the people of Afrin after the majority of gunmen went to the east of the Euphrates .. or disappeared


The correspondent of “Afrinpost” in the center of occupied Kurdish of Afrin, reported signs of relief began to appear on the residents of the city center after the majority of gunmen moved to areas east of the Euphrates, causing a decrease in their numbers compared to the previous.

The Turkish occupation sent a large number of militants to fight as infantry in the first line, where the occupation does not enter their soldiers to the battles only after the occupation of the target area by them, in order to protect their soldiers, while killing dozens of militants of Islamic militias affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood organization.

The correspondent added that during the past month, which witnessed the Turkish invasion of areas stretching from “Sere Kaniye / Ras al-Ain” to “Gire Spi/ Tel Abyad”, a state of relief among the indigenous Kurds in Afrin, who were able to visit their peers and neighbors, which was forbidden to them because of the harassment of the occupation and its gunmen.

The gunmen fear that any Kurdish families meetings, as they realize that they are a military occupation force, and therefore fear that they will get things out of their control, if the indigenous population can organize.

Islamic militias have brutally invaded villages whose people faced joint armed abuses, as happened in the village of Kafr Safra of the district of Jinderes, which saw mid-September, the raid and kidnapping of dozens of Kurdish residents, as a result of their response to the militants.

The number of gunmen in Afrin also fell as a result of their hiding, where sources revealed on Sunday that the occupation forces are hiding in their homes, fearing that they will be sent to the east of the Euphrates, especially with the arrival of the bodies of the dead militias to Afrin.

The sources pointed out that a large number of gunmen are currently out of sight for fear of being caught by the leaders of the militias who are working as “hired killers”, where they receive salaries from their militias for acts of intimidation, killing and abuse in Afrin, but the situation has changed in the east of the Euphrates , where they face danger of death, prompting many to refrain from going there.

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