Our correspondent reported that “Al-Hamza Division” militia cut down 80 olive trees belonging to forcibly displaced citizens Khalil Ali (55 trees) and Ahmed Ali (25 trees) near the village of Kotana in Bulbul sub-district. The olives were stolen entirely before the trees were felled, and the power of attorney granted to their cousin to manage the groves was revoked.
Separately, on Thursday evening, October 31, 2024, other armed individuals looted the harvest from approximately 30 olive trees near the village of Faqira in Jindires, an area also controlled by “Al-Hamza Division.” The assailants recklessly damaged the trees by breaking branches, targeting groves owned by Abdul Rahman Isso and Khalil Isso.
Despite hundreds of reports and thousands of social media posts detailing the widespread theft and extortion targeting Afrin’s olive farmers, these violations continue unabated.