Afrinpost – Special
The Turkish occupation transferred some of the kidnapped residents of the occupied Kurdish region of Afrin, north of Syria, from the notorious Al-Raai prison to the “Marateh” village prison in Afrin, after suffering from asthma, which is rampant in Al-Ra’i prison.
A source told “Afrinpost” that the Turkish occupation and its Muslim Brotherhood militia had transferred 6 Kurdish kidnapped from Al-Ra’i Prison to Marateh Prison near the city center of Afrin.
The source, close to one of the kidnapped, said that asthma is spread throughout the notorious Al-Ra’i prison and that the situation of the kidnapped and the detainees is tragic, not to mention the brutal torture practiced by Islamic militias and Turkish occupation forces against them.
The source indicated that he was able to know the names of two of the kidnapped people. He added: “I knew the name of the kidnapped, namely: Jamal Khalil Sido and Muhammad Hannan, who is from the village of Dikeh. These people were kidnapped for nearly two years, and their fate was known until two weeks ago after one of the prisoners left Al-Ra’i prison.”
The source mentioned that the person who got out of the prison told the families of the kidnapped: “If you want to get your children out, you have to pay a financial ransom.”
The source confirmed that the aforementioned were kidnapped on charges of dealing with the People’s Protection Units, a pretext by which the Turkish occupation and its militias justify the kidnapping of the Kurds, the extortion of the people, and the request for financial ransoms.
Another source mentioned to the Afrinpost that one of the kidnapped people who had been transferred to Marateh prison from the village of “Ma’mla”, and another is from the village “Kumrasheh”.
There are no health-care facilities available in Al-Ra’i Prison, and it is considered hell for the people of the region, especially the Kurd, where someone got recently outside of it said that there are about 1000 prisoners (men and women), all of whom are Kurd who were kidnapped from Afrin and “Sre Kaniyeh / Ras al-Ain”.